LIC Blog
Bird Flu Is Scrambling the Egg Industry—and It’s the Chickens Who Suffer Most.
If you’ve noticed higher prices or empty shelves in the egg aisle recently, you’re not alone. The United States is grappling with one of the worst bird flu outbreaks in history, and it’s taken a huge toll on birds used for eggs.
Support of Maryland’s Bill to Improve Welfare of Egg-Laying Hens
Legal Impact for Chickens submitted a letter in support of Maryland’s HB 0834, regarding the Confinement of Egg-Laying Hens in Commercial Egg Production. This bill proposes a cage-free egg law, which would benefit hens and humans in the state.
Alias: Mrs. Potts
There are some people you meet and will never forget. Mrs. Potts was one of those people.
The Value Of Undercover Investigations In Aiding Legal Victories For Animals
Evidence from undercover investigations can be crucial in supporting legal action for animals.
Ellie’s Story
I’d like to introduce you to Ellie, my big, handsome blind rooster and greatest teacher—who taught me more about myself in the last two years than I ever could have thought.
The Masculine Urge to Care: Roosters and I
Male chickens are vocal protectors of the flock. Their crow is a sign of maturity and confidence, the literal loudspeaker standing guard over his territory and flock.
Prop 12 And The EATS Act: Fighting For Basic Animal Welfare Reforms
Although NPPC is focused on sows, its impact also extends to approximately 40,000,000 hens whose eggs are sold in California annually.
Curtailing Factory-Farm Cruelty: The Power of Civil Litigation
Factory farming involves confining animals in large, crowded spaces, and often subjecting them to inhumane treatment. This practice not only is harmful to the animals, but also can be a liability for businesses that engage in it.
Animal Charity Evaluators selects Legal Impact for Chickens as 2023 Recommended Charity!
We at LIC look up to each of the previous ACE recommended charities as our animal-saving role models.
Statement Regarding Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)
Legal Impact for Chickens is saddened and frustrated by the huge numbers of birds being killed by startlingly inhumane methods in response to the spread of avian influenza in factory farms.
Chickens Are Smarter Than You Think (And Science Can Prove It.)
A study conducted in Italy found that young chicks just three to four days old are able to do simple math with numbers five and under.
Alene’s Story: How I went from bird lover to bird lawyer (yes, it’s a thing).
Meet Alene Anello, the founder & president of Legal Impact for Chickens.