Join us to fight cruelty.
In America alone, 9 billion chickens are raised and slaughtered for food every year. Many live harsh, painful lives in conditions that the average American would consider unacceptable.
Join us in fighting to protect these animals’ welfare.
Making cruelty a liability
Animal cruelty is a crime. But prosecutors rarely enforce cruelty laws against the powerful corporate interests that control animal agriculture.
As a result, while several state cruelty laws cover farms, that doesn’t stop some companies from committing egregious illegal cruelty.
Strategic civil litigation offers a solution.
Chickens are smarter than you think.
Research shows that chickens have much more impressive mental abilities than previously assumed, and are capable of forming socially complex relationships.
“I love chickens. I love spending time with them.... They are delightful, curious, smart and funny; not to mention beautiful and elegant.... Thank you for taking their cause to the courtrooms of America. Make sure no one ignores them ever again.”
— Joyce Tischler, known as the mother of animal law

Legal Impact for Chickens (LIC) is a litigation nonprofit. LIC advocates for chickens and other farmed animals. We work to enforce existing cruelty laws and to improve animal welfare.
LIC is a 501(c)(3) public charity. We are a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals.
(888) 581-8797
Legal Impact for Chickens
2108 N Street, # 5239
Sacramento, CA 95816
Important Documents
Our IRS determination letter is here.
Our 990s are here: 2021, 2022, 2023
Our financial statements are here: 2022, 2023